Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Boxers on My Bulldog

This is more like it...a much more manly option. Please, throw the bikini AWAY.

Bikini on My Bulldog

My man boobs may be ample but definitely don't warrant a bikini top. How does my butt look, though?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Outfit on My Bulldog

As I was strolling around on my lunch break the other week I passed by a pet boutique in Embarcadero 2. There in the window was the most adorable grey sweatshirt with a soccer ball on it. It was as if it were made exactly for Ru in mind. Despite its $30 price tag, I just couldn't help myself. He hates it but I it's too friggin' cute for me to care. I'm typically against dressing up pets but look at him...there's no turning back now.