Friday, July 30, 2010

Absolute Pear on My Bulldog

Pear? On the rocks, please. While you're at it, why don't you fix me up some of that puppy ice cream you were talking to Grandma about.

Baaaaaaaad idea...going to up-chuck. I'm back on the wagon.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cowboy Hat on My Bulldog

Brokeback Rufus, that's my name. In my spare time you'll find wrangling bulls, spinning lassos and brandin' cattle. Cowgirls, look out!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chair on My Bulldog

You do realize that you're holding me against my own free will on this contraption. Lucky for you I'm satisfied with the beach ball I just inhaled.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Beach Ball on My Bulldog

Muah muah muah... I've ruined all of the 4th of July fun by smashing this beach ball to smithereens.

What kind of adult plays with this thing anyway? This was made with me and my giant underbite in mind.

What's this? Laughing at my expense? Die beach ball DIIIIEEEEEE!

(Belch)I showed all you'z!

Tennis Ball on My Bulldog

I'm too tired to play but can't stand the thought of letting this tennis ball go. It's pink which doesn't make any sense. I have a lot more biting, chasing and mangling to do.